UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $2950.
Doesn’t run. Needs body work on the passenger side. Unusual passenger ‘step’.
“1946 4×4 Willys Jeep VIN # 22582, Never had it started, original 4 cylinder engine is free, tires are good, good windshield and frame, still on the original 6 volt system, have many new parts to go with it, this one would make a easy restoration project.”
Where are the indents? And the column shift? Lots of folks converted to a floor shift but the indents should be there at 22xxx vin. The spare tire needs to move back to the side. Still, a nice early vec with a lot of potential…
Some rot going on bottom of passenger side. There should be indents with that vin#. No 3 tag on dash. Big hole in dash. Has the firewall horn but you get that into the 40,xxx vin. Buyer will have to check all the numbers on this one. They used the corner bow holder for the swing out tire carrier
You cannot judge tool-indents by vehicle serial number, only by ACM number.
The indents were eliminated between ACM numbers 12725 and 13023. And Willys did not install tubs in exact numerical order, so there is a random factor.
In standard production, the ACM range corresponds roughly to vehicle S/N range 22141 to 22732. In this range, tubs were mixed, some with, some w/out tool indents.
This vehicle falls right in this range. It is the original column-shift tub.
Sean you are right on that . My ACM #s are very close example my CJ2A10510 ACM # is 516. Other detail are correct on this but i wouldn’t pay that much for whats there.
Sean, I believe this is one of those parodox’s where what you see is different from what is on record. You are spot on about the acm numbers but there are 2a’s out there with indents past serial number 29xxx Which puts it our of the range mentioned. To further muddy the waters, my brother had a 2a with a vin of 26xxx, which is out of the mentioned range, but it had no indents. I believe there are exceptions to all these numbers with their corresponding “rules” because WO had no real methods to their madness. It’s like trying to properly identify a cj5 renegade 1, I just start looking for more than one proof. Also, I couldn’t quite see the oval stamping for the column shift tub. Is there another trick to tell? And thanks…
Hey toddy, You can see the finishing plates that go around steering column and shift column which cover the oval indent
Yes there are, but these are not “standard” production vehicles. ie, if you checked their ACMs, you’d find them all the be within, or less than, the range 12275 to 13023.
For “non-standard” production, Willys would take tubs out of inventory, and send them off for modification. By the time they were returned to the assembly line, vehicle serial numbers would have marched far beyond the average 10000 point ACM differential. eg:
S/N 28100 has indents, ACM 12083
S/N 34948 has indents, ACM 3182
S/N 36834 has indents, ACM 12275
See: Column Shift Tool Indents
The column floorboard hole and column shaft bracket are the only top-side visual clues. An underneath view of the transmission would be needed to tell if it’s still the original side-shift unit.
Seller photos are often insufficient to see these clues.
Once again, I learn something new! Thanks Sean. (Will I ever figure it all out???)
Dave, I’ve sent you a couple of emails, but don’t know when you’ll get around to seeing them.
About 35-45 minutes ago, I posted a long reply to Todd, but it’s not showing up. When I tried to post it again, I got an error message that it was a “duplicate comment”, so your system knows it’s there, but not displaying it.
For that matter, I don’t know if THIS one will post properly either
Thanks for checking with me. I found your comment in the spam folder. It must have been the link coupled with numbers that made the filter think it was spam. I’ve ‘released’ it.
Sean, I’m copying and pasting as we speak. Always nice to learn more! Back to school…again.
Sean thanks for that valuable info. It definetly corrected what I believed in regards to properly identifying Early CJ2A tubs. As Todd said “Back to school again”.
Dave: thanks for fixing the post. I’ll avoid hot-links in the future.
Everyone: some of what was thought to be known about these vehicles in the past has proven to be incorrect. Unfortunately, once posted to the web, this mis-information tends to persist forever.
Much research has taken place over the last 10 years, making new discoveries. But unfortunately again, it doesn’t get the attention of the original info, as the older info is “ranked” higher by search engines.
Bottom line: never “leave school” wrt these fine old machines. New stuff is popping up all the time.