Motor is stuck.
“1952 CJ-3A with nearly all the original parts on it. The L-Head motor is stuck, but has black oil and has clean coolant, I believe it’s a good motor. The rear floor panel was replaced with flat steel and the tool storage box has no bottom, besides that she looks really good for the age. AS-IS with a bill of sale only. Open to trades and will deliver for additional fee”
You perhaps mean SC, I think this was part of the KW jeep invasion last year?
The GPW in the picture above the yellow jeep appears to be the same one listed in Aikens Texas.
Plus that Monroe 3 pt hitch was from Aiken KY. That’s 3 “Aikens” in one day. This is the same seller (calls himself “Jeep Hunter” and uses the same phone number in all 3 ads). Looks like he posted in multiple CraigsList areas (KY, TX, GA). The map inset on Craigslist is Aiken SC like Scotty suggested, just East of Augusta GA.
Yep .. I was asleep at the keyboard. The jeep even has “jeep invasion” on it. I was too focused on the tv show I was watching last night