UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $6000
(10/04/2014) Looks like a good price.
“Ultra Rare J20C / CJ3B Hardtop Jeep made by Mitsubishi in Japan.
This Jeep was imported about 6 years ago. California title currently non-op.
1974, no smog test required.
4 Cylinder engine is almost identical to the Willys F head engine, many parts
interchange. New paint, new headliner, seats recovered.
3 speed column shift, RIGHT HAND DRIVE.
4 wheel drive works perfect.
Very rare even in Japan.
Compare to all the other jeeps for sale on craigslist, this jeep is not a pile of junk.”
Wow. What an incredible find… looks outstanding: I love the jump seats in the back. Even with right hand drive, this shouldn’t last long.
I’m really surprised this is still available. Price seems reasonable. Someone needs to get/give this one for Christmas
That would be a really long drive for me……. but worth it!
yes very nice. and priced right. it’s been an off year for me or i would buy this myself.
What does he mean by the title being non-op? Title issues freak me out, I can’t be alone in that.
I think in california you can title a vehicle as non op and you don’t have to get plates or pay taxes on it the same way. Cali may be one of those states that taxes your vehicle every year.
The non-op (officially called a PNO) status is a registration status and not a title status. It simply means the owner has filed a claim with the state that the vehicle will not be driven during the year (along with a few other restrictions). Once filed, the owner does not owe anything on the registration until the owner wishes to re-registe
Here’s a link to some quick information on the topic:
– Dave
How does one engage the transfer case?
Customarily with a ring, but human-gearbox marriages have been frowned upon in the past.
I believe the gear shifter on the floor engages/disengages hi/lo & 2w/4w. It looks like the tranny is shifted on the column.
– Dave
It may have been frowned upon in the past, but we here in San Francisco believe that it is time to recognize the union between a man and his Jeep.
Yes, but there’s already a union between a man and his jeep called a title. That document binds the two parties together until death or taxes (or a trade-in/sale — and I’ve traded-in a couple wives) tears them apart! I know that such a domestic agreement might not satisfy some San Franciscans, but why must a man and his jeep tread upon the sanctity of a government-sanctioned marriage??
OMG… ROFLMAO! Hilarious