Good news. The site is back up! Explanation on what happened to come ….
I haven’t had a chance to add posts from the recent few days, but this photo is from the April 1956 issue of Willys News. This CJ-3B certainly has an unusual crew setup!
Most folks don’t remember the movie the Conquerer, starring John Wayne and Susan Hayward. It was a Ghenghis Khan theme-movie, as it was a huge bust. The Conqueror movie was filmed in Utah locations such as Snow Canyon, St. George, Harrisburg, Warner Valley, and Hurricane during a 13-week stretch in 1954-1955 (source).
Unfortunately, what the movie is best known for is the unusually high percentage of deaths of the crew from cancer. The crew used some high powered fans to blow sands to simulate rough conditions. A documentary I watched suggested that disturbing the sand might have exacerbated the potential exposure to radiated materials.
You can read more in this article from People magazine:,,20077825,00.html
Congrats, Dave! Thanks for persevering through.
Great to see eWillys back on line
I have been going through withdrawal, but I’m sure it must have been much worse for you!
Thanks for working through!