<– Day 1 – March 20th: Dinner and Salt | OVERVIEW | Day 3 – Mar. 22nd: Old Bones and Old Jeeps –>
After our long drive on Thursday, we intentionally had an easy day drive of a few hours, a quick trip from Salt Lake City to Vernal, Utah.
We started off the day with some bagels at the Einsteins on 13th East with Karson. After we were done eating, we posed for a photo together, which further demonstrates that either he is growing or I am shrinking. Must be the water in Salt Lake or something . . .
We were just about to leave Salt Lake when Ann and I spotted Caputos, a well known deli that now has a small store next to Einsteins. They know their stuff at Caputos and know a couple suckers when they see them. We walked out a little poorer, but with some really good goat cheese and some locally made chocolate.
We left Salt Lake and drove east over the Parley’s Summit. I asked Ann if I had ever taken her to Park City. She said no, so we pretended to be one of the rich and famous and slipped into the city unseen. We snapped some photos and hobnobbed with the tourists. No star sightings today.
After Park City we climbed up and over Daniel’s Summit, which made Ann happy as that’s her son’s name. So we stopped there to buy him a shirt and hat. From there we dropped down into Eastern Utah along Highway 40. Here’s a few photos we took along the way:

This was a photo of Starvation State Park: http://stateparks.utah.gov/park/starvation-state-park

Here’s another shot of the reservoir. You can’t tell, but the wind was so strong we could barely stand.

Our last stop before Vernal was an overlook, but we couldn’t tell what we were supposed to be looking at, so we figured we were the next best thing.
Oh yeah, and here’s me on ‘vacation’:
In Vernal, we decided to grab some dinner at Cafe Rio. There we discovered a novel use for a Chevrolet tailgate. Pretty cool! Yes, those tail lights actually worked.
Tomorrow we see a National Monument and then visit a couple readers and their jeeps.
<– Day 1 – March 20th: Dinner and Salt | OVERVIEW | Day 3 – Mar. 22nd: Old Bones and Old Jeeps –>