Here’s a good story about a young Teen named Ben Zenger reported in the Winston-Salem Journal on Wednesday. At 9 years old he decided he wanted a jeep. He saved up his own money and, with his parents approval, bought one: A 1954 M-38A1 that needs some work. Check out all the information at the website:
I did have a video below, but it auto-started with commercials, so here’s a still of Ben instead. Go to the website to see the video.
What a great article. Sounds like he’s solidly dedicated to his project. I wonder if he follows or is part of any of usual forums. It would be fun to follow his progess.
A glimmer of hope for the future of vintage jeep hobby.
can you stop the auto play on this or is it just my computer?
He is going to learn a lot by the time he can drive legally. Agree, the auto play is annoying. It is like the Everready Battery, it just keeps going!
Yep, that’s annoying. I can’t control that auto start. I’ll just pull it off.
hi ben so far so good admire your courage !!!!!!!keep on doing —- best regards from belgium
This kid will be a success in life.
This is just the EXACT sort of thing that all of us need to encourage and do all
we can to jump start… the old car hobby in general, and the orphan/small clubs
in particular are at a crucial point in time as far as having membership overall
falling, interest leveling off or dropping as the vehicles fade more into the past
etc. If we all “take a kid to a car show” as the Hagerty folks like to say, we can
work on making the future better and brighter for the hobby and future generations….
Good see a youngster interested keep at it young man, well done.