Marc pointed out an article in the 1944 issue of Popular Mechanics. I didn’t realized it, but this issue has a bunch of jeep-related articles. Some of these you’ve probably seen.
The largest illustration shows a Ford GPA SEEP pulling a MB Slat Grille (pages 84 and 85). For some reason, the wheels were removed (photographically speaking) from the GPA.
Page 87 shows of a half-sized jeep that utilizes an icebox motor for power. I featured this picture back in April.
Page 71 shares the “Follow Me” paint markings with the world.
Page 6 Describes how jeeps can be used to pull refueling tanks or ambulance cars in a train.
Page 80 shows off the limitless capabilities of the jeep by picturing a soldier cutting wood from a jeep powered buzz saw in Italy.
Page 86 discusses the finer points of dropping a jeep over a cliff, including the installation of a can over the driver’s mirror to prevent flashing.
Finally, on page 63 we learn about a “Finishing School for Killers” where soldiers learn how to jump from a jeep while it is traveling at 40mph.
Never mind the windshield flashing to the sky and maybe they should of just folded the mirror down to the body as an easier remedy.
I do know now how to quickly exit my vehicle in the event of an emergency.
I do love these old articles though.
Rolling out of a jeep at 40mph! Soldiers in 1944 did way cooler stuff than we do now…
what exactly is “rifle butt medicine”?
Frank. I suspect it hurts . . . I think that’s a rifle butt to the head.
Not quite sure I’d like to jump out of a jeep at 4o MPH, guess it depends on the reason to do so.