UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $4500.
Mike, who’s admitted he’s addicted to searching for jeeps everywhere (welcome to the club!), spotted this one for sale. He reports there is rust and no data plates. The odd part about this M-38 is the lack of a driver’s side filler hole.
how do i get a hold of seller buzz
Hi Buzz,
I’ll email Mike and see if he got some contact info.
– Dave
Mike reports that it is at a bar on US 1 just south of Marathon, FL. There appears to be an address on the pole, but I couldn’t use it to locate the bar.
Ok Dave, this one was easy, maybe a good location for research for your next book?
Springers Bar and Grill
31251 Ave A, Big Pine Key, FL 33043
(305) 872-3022
Good idea Buz!
I think I can talk Ann into that. Thanks for tracking down the Bar!
Dave, let me know when you plan on going, January sounds like a good time to get away from the winter weather.