UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $14,000.
Pascal spotted this jeep. Note the jeep-lamp above the garage door
“willys jeep cj3a 1949 refait au complet frame differentiel et roues peinture powder coating moteur refait complet body refait complet plancher neuf banc refait a neuf lames neuves shocks neuf electricité refait a neuf terminal soudé batterie neuve starter et générateur refait poulie de crank neuve boite de controle neuve monté original cj3a tout a été sandblasté et repaint le seul cj3a enregistré au québec plaqué pret a roulé inspection fait investi plus de 12.000$ et 3 ans de travail.evaluation pg 14,000$”
The owner told me that the serial number is 10544. I think it worth 12-14k$ It does look like a good restoration. He also have parts to sell and own a cj2a.
Thank you very much Dave.
I can translate the description if someone is interested by it.
The CJ2A is for sale also.
cj2a 1946 serial # 58914 color red