<– Day 3 Part II – March 20th Part 2: Canyon De Chelly National Monument | Overview | Day 6 – March 23: 2013 FC-Roundup Saturday –>
Thursday March 21: We spent Wednesday night in Flagstaff, slept in, toured Flagstaff, then drove to Phoenix. It wasn’t all that interesting, as the only thing we documented was a stop at Pita Jungle in Flagstaff.
Friday March 21:
Ann and I dropped by Joe’s house in Mesa on Friday morning before heading off to the 2013 FC Roundup. While Joel has been around jeeps much of his life, Joe is newer to them.
Joe’s initial jeep goal was simple: militarize an old CJ-2A. So, he bought a running CJ-2A with a rough body. Then, he found a GPW body with a great body and frame. His plan was to put the body onto the CJ-2A frame, but his plan was thwarted when he discovered the frame and body matched. With Joel preaching “thou shallst not separate a matching body and frame”, Joe decided to focus on building up the GPW to an originalism state and just patch the floor of the CJ-2A.
As Joe began looking for parts, he found a T-84 transmission and transfercase. Though Joe only wanted the tranny and tc, the seller gave him a price on that plus CJ-3B parts that he couldn’t refuse.
So, a story as old as time, Joe’s one project has turned into three
The GPW has a few interesting items of note. First, the passenger side was cut and replaced with a swinging door. The door is better than bubba quality and looks like, based on paint comparisons, that it has been with the jeep a long time. Joe has decided to keep it as a conversation piece.
Also of interest is a hinge welded to the bottom of the Ford script seat frame. I suspect that’s a mystery which will never be solved.
After a great time with Joe and Joel, we headed west to central Phoenix and the FC Roundup.
As usual, Friday was a day of arrivals, including us. Pictured below are some of the early arrivals to the FC Roundup on Friday.
The two pics below document a late night impromptu couples cruise. Our night’s goal was to locate and drive through the airport like we did last year. To our credit we only had to ask for directions five or six times! But, the intrepid explorers we were, we eventually made it (but not without a call from Jesse to make sure we had enough gas!).
<– Day 3 Part II – March 20th Part 2: Canyon De Chelly National Monument | Overview | Day 6 – March 23: 2013 FC-Roundup Saturday –>
I would venture a guess that hinge was part of a homemade gas cap lock at some point. I’ve seen a couple alterations previously with the intention of securing the fuel.
Josh, I’ll bet you’re right. Still, I plan to cut off the hinge, and try to make the seat look more original. Thanks for the nice write-up, Dave. It was great meeting you and Ann!
Good job Joe! I wish I could have kept some of the old timers I’ve had over the years. I came close with a 66 Barracuda but I never had time or money and to much got stolen or ruined.
Uncle Phill