The folks at the Bantam Jeep Festival have asked me to participate in this year’s history series. I will be presenting “The Joys & Hazards of Buying a Vintage Jeep”, appearing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday with an official book(s) signing following each event. I don’t know the times just yet.
I shared this news with Paul and he responded with some words of wisdom for potential buyers of vintage jeeps. He wrote:
Please remember that sometimes a free Jeep is still too expensive. Normal people just don’t realize how much money, time and space a disassembled Jeep can suck up. Many clueless males have sadly discovered just how quickly Breaking Up Is Easy (not hard) To Do after becoming the owner of a project Jeep. Don’t even get me started on relationship problems after the Jeep is finished, just be ready for the “Why can’t my car be parked in the garage” vintage whine which is soon followed the always popular “I’m cold and rain soaked, why doesn’t this thing have a top” snivel. For a single guy taking a date out in a vintage Jeep will become an educational experience so long as no police are involved. Many women simply don’t understand that a Jeep really does have shock absorbers, it’s just that they are called passengers. Also a women with a sense of humor and adventure is mandatory to make it thru those events that seem like a good idea at the time and will provide many hours of crazy stories in the future for the grandkids but only if everyone survives.
I simply can’t argue with any of that!
On the BOOK 2 front, after writing all day I completed Draft 2 this evening. The book is approx 450 pages, when properly formatted. Ann is sitting next to me gleefully and busily bruising this draft with a red pen. She’s on page 22 already and hasn’t fallen asleep yet, so I take that as a good sign My goal is to have it published in time for the Bantam Festival.
Looks like a great topic. I am sensing a relationship theme in your books and your presentation. Hopefully some of the other commenters/readers/addicts, can make the trip to one of your events in May or June.
It March 1st only a couple months to go. I am ready for spring.
ps Ann good luck with the edit. Just remember Dave will be writing about you some day.
Dave, it will be nice to meet you at the Bantam Jeep festival!
It’s going to be a jeep kind of summer for you! Think the book will be ready for the spring reunion? We can easily get a book signing together!
My goal is May 1, but it all depends on the problems my three ‘editors’ identify. I expect at least two more revisions before it is ready.
Just let me know and ill arrange it. I can’t go to the bantam fest this year. I’m on my Canada fishing trip
Wil your new book on the amber panels be avaliable to order online?
David: Yes, I’ll supply a link to Createspace where the book can be purchased. Alternatively, you can email me and I will mail out copies.
Later in the summer I will create and upload an e-reader version.
Hi Dave if you need another set of eyes I am always available to do something similar to last time. But for some reason I have a feeling your book is already in good hands. Good luck Ann!
Congrats on your speaking tour. Hopefully they pay you as much as some old Presidents get. At least your advice is worthwhile…….Well, maybe they will pay you in pictures of old presidents.
I greatly appreciate the offer. It would be useful to have one last set of new eyes proof it before I push it out. You did a fantastic job last time. It probably wouldn’t be until early April or so.
As for the Presidents . . . I hope to see more of them someday, but speaking as part of the history series is more of a civic duty (I hope to see a few presidents from book sales following the presentation though!!)
Dave- and Ann,
Sounds like the book is coming along nicely. I will buy a copy once you have it published. I have your first one, even autographed, thank you! I’m looking forward to seeing both of you at Jesse’s the end of March. I was trying to figure out a way to do the WOJC Jeepster meet in Michigan the end of May and then the Great Willys Picnic in PA the following week, but it doesn’t look promising for either at the moment. I was hoping to see you and Derek in PA as well as Glenn.