UPDATE: **SOLD** Was priced at $1700.
You can buy this now for only $1700. I have no idea what these are worth, but I suspect this works as well as the nine inch brakes.
“You are bidding on a R.S. Danforth Mark II 30lbs anchor for the Ford GPA. The center bar is marked “R.S DANFORTH BERKELEY CAL. U.S.A MARK II M 30” on one side and “PATENT NO. 2249546 LBS.” on the other.
When I received the anchor it did not have the rectangular holes cut in the fluke for the hold down straps specifically for the GPA application. It was also missing the botom cross bar. Using an original anchor from my GPA I had the holes precisely machined by a professional shop and the cross-bar cast in bronze.
These anchors are extremely hard to find so don’t miss this rare opportunity to put this ready to go anchor on your GPA. The anchor is in good shape and can be shipped world wide. This is the last extra I have so don’t miss your chance.”
can’t imagine someone sitting at anchor in a GPA
Frank, you throw it out when the brakes don’t work
Every jeep with 9″ brakes ought to have one of these . . .
I got one with the bar but without the holes if anyone is looking
Hi Dustin,
If you want to send me a pic and any other info, I’ll create a post for you. Feel free to email me at d@ewillys.com
– Dave
I have one for sale. Original with strap holes. Asking 2k
Hi Charlie,
If you can send me a pic, your location, and a description, I will be happy to list the anchor for sale for you. Feel free to email me at d@deilers.com.
David Eilers
– Dave
I have one un-restored , looking for offers if anyone has the need for one all, specs correct with patent no ,fluke holes & crossbar.