From the “you learn something new every day” department, I just learned that a Peplum Movie is a genre of Italian films known as ‘Sword and Sandal’, perhaps better called Greek period films. Peplum is the Greek word for ‘tunic’. I stumbled upon the picture below, along with the topic of peplum, when searching for “Lucille Ball” and “jeep”. I surely do not know how that search string is related to a male actor in a tunic exiting a jeep, but if Google says they are related, I guess I must yield to its genius.
Anyhooo, this is Steve Reeves stepping from a MB/GPW during the filming of “Hercules” in 1958 from the website
Dave, where do you find this trivia? No stone un-turned….
i didn’t know Herk was alive when they had jeeps/
Lindsey Lohan’s latest “upskirt” shot…