UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.
This is a good looking CJ-3B. The seller provides a nicely detailed description. The drain holes have been filled in.
“Here is a very nice 1953 Willys CJ-3B that is roadworthy. I run errands in it frequently. I have the title in my name so no drama there. The Jeep is still mostly original with the Hurricane engine and T-90 transmission, both of which work great. The engine starts right up hot or cold, no smoke and is very smooth. I’ve had the Jeep for two years, and from what I’ve been told by the previous owner, the Jeep was totally refurbished 12 years ago. I have no reason to doubt that. The paint still has some shine but there are some surface rust spots. There is also rust on the drivers side support for the fender. Also some rust on a cross member under the tub near the rear wheel wells. Since I’m in the disclosing mode, the only gauges that are hooked up are the temperature gauge and the oil pressure gauge. The odometer works but the speedometer has a broken needle. The ampere meter and the gas gauge are not hooked up and will be good things for a “to do” list. The seats are not original and in pretty bad shape under the seat covers, but they look okay. The emergency brake cable needs to be replaced….”
I know this is a Willys forum – but there’s a sweet looking collection of 4 door land rovers in the background. Maybe someone could make a wagon/truck out of one of them.
Yeah, I didn’t notice those when I post the pics. Good catch!
And think of this as a Willys mostly forum … I’m happy to talk about most anything — well, accept for politics. I do try to avoid that subject here
Yes, that is my 3B, and yes that is my eccentric neighbor with all the Range Rovers. Range Rovers are his vice. He has NINE OF THEM! They have caused a lot of drama in our neighborhood, but I like the guy, we help each other fix each others trucks. He needs a vice because he’s a parole officer in DC. You can imagine what he goes through. The one red one is a diesel and right hand drive that he got from England. He has two baby blue mid 70’s ones that he purchased from Guatemala. He drove to Miami with a car carrier AND HIS BRAND NEW WIFE to pick them up from a containership. He drove one of the Range Rovers while his new wife towed the other. It took them two weeks to make it from Miami to DC because of breakdowns and 35 mph top speed. It’s usually a day’s drive. The good news is that they are still happily married! There are many more stories, but we may all have to wait until they come out in paperback.
That’s quite a story! Well, at least his wife learned about his vices right away! Btw, was that their honeymoon?
It was dang near their honeymoon. He grew up in Guatemala, and they were childhood sweethearts. He went back to marry her after two years of doing it legal and they had their honeymoon in Guatemala. He saw the two Ranger Rovers during their honeymoon and bought them. His first wife divorced him partially because of his Range Rovers, go figure.
Oh, I’m liking this guy … I can just see the ex-wife saying “either the range rovers go or I go” and him pushing her right out the door.
By the way, I’m not giving up on the hammer down price of the Mecum Willys that sold for $28k. I still think it sold for $32k and the difference is the auction fees and such. When I find proof of the $32k, I’ll send it your way. I just have to be right. I’m sure you understand………
I know right!!! She and my neighbors are just too uppity
I shall leave that in your capable hands … I’m a fan of accuracy whenever possible.
I think I know where I’m moving, next. I wonder if anyone will notice a non-running FC?
Running or not, a FC is hard not to notice. When discussing my next project with my woman, I showed her photos of a FC and a Burma Jeep. She said both of them should be partially buried in a park somewhere so kids can play on them. Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
True, not a ringing endorsement, but look at it this way. Your woman favors the idea of kids playing in/on old vehicles; Apparently, she’s not worried about them getting hurt? Two thumbs up for her!!