Roberto Flores has an older illustration he’d like to share with us (thanks!). I managed to find a self-taken snapshot of myself, a handsome lad (well, that’s what mom always said) of 21 years, in a similar situation. I knew approximately where I was (in southeastern washington), but didn’t know exactly where I was, even with the help of the map and signs (pomerey, shown on the sign at the bottom, isn’t exactly a big town). So, I just tried driving with the early morning sun to my left so that I’d be heading south. Truth be told, I love being lost
Here’s Roberto’s drawing.
Here’s me, circa early November, 1985:
Must be a “Wandering Willys” thing……
As a song from one of my favorite movies describes it, “I was born under a wandering star …” OR from the same movie and the phrase that I think should grace my tombstone — “Where am I going I don’t know, where when I get there I ain’t certain; all’s I know is I am on my way ….”