UPDATE: Josh notes that this is a GPW body and parts.
Brett spotted this Jeep, listed as a 1947 CJ-2A. This clearly has, at the very least, a WWII body and front clip. The body looks in good shape.
“Classic Jeep Willy’s Great for Restoration. Call After 5pm home all evening to come take a look…801-628-4914”
Definitely an MB body. That windshield is as high as my backyard fence.
It’s a ford GPW body. Tool indents are rectangular. Foot rest ends are more triangular (ford) willys have more of a strap thing on the end. Radiator looks to be ford. Hood is ford. Tool box lids are stamped; also ford. Looks like there is a full set of data plates on the passenger side floor board. I’d be curious to see if motor is gpw as it looks like the trany may have been swapped. Also has a cj fuel tank.
Thanks Josh. What’s the GPW hood identifier?
Good eye Joshua.
Your full name rings a bell. Are you from Boise? I think you recently bought an early style GPW grille from me. Small world if it is you.
Dexter .. i can answer that question .. yes, Josh is from Boise.
A Willys hood has some holes (I think 4) in the hat channel piece barely visible in the picture. Note that the ford is solid all the way across with the exception of where the bonding straps bolt into the hood.
AS a disclaimer. So, some one doesn’t go out and go “oh no I have a ford hood on my willys mb” The later war composite bodies * also use what I just Identified as a ford hood. In this case I would bet that the hood is ford based on the rest of the jeep body which would have been produced before 1944.
*(in 1944 willys and ford both subcontracted the bodies to a manufacture that produced the same body for both companies)
Hey Dexter same guy. Did you ship today? Now worries if not; that grill has been travailing 68 years to get to me! What’s a few more days.
Hey Joshua. I dropped it off earlier this afternoon. Postal rep told me a tracking number won’t be available until Monday, when it ships out. I’ll send you that info over email.