UPDATE: This was a great price at $2000. It appears sold.
Brett spotted this one. With the plow setup and some good looking tires, this looks like a good price. The body doesn’t look all that bad to me.
“This is a 1942 Willey’s Jeep. It runs great and has the original drive train. It has not been licensed since about 1964. It has been used to plow my driveway, so it runs between 4 and 15 times a year. It has been serviced every year. The body is in pretty rough shape but is fixable for the right person. It comes with a 7′ snow plow and I don’t want to take it off.”
Not much of a driveway to need snow blower that size
The original o.d. green Scheller steering wheel alone in good condition is worth 100 to 200 to a jeep restorer.Original green schellers are very rare.
I didn’t know there was such a thing as a green sheller, but then I don’t know a number of specific MB/GPW details.
I did find this very interesting link regarding Sheller steering wheels by Thomas Jacobson, with pics and/or diagrams of a NOS 5 Sheller, NOS 9 Sheller, and a green sheller, along with detailed specs about the differences. It’s worth of a post of its own I think! http://thomas.tcjnet.com/sheller.htm.
i;m interested in this jeep
can You contact me to my mail?
Hi warecki,
You’ll need to contact the seller via the phone number listed in the Ad.
– Dave
but my speeking English is not so good ,

I;m from Poland
is it maybe mobile no.? so i can send txt?
I do not know if it is a mobile number or not.
I drove through Poland a few years ago – beautiful country. Krakow was amazing and was my favorite city of all the cities I visited!
If you are looking for something specific, perhaps I can help you find it and talk with sellers. Just let me know.
Thanks, Dave