UPDATE: This is in Cali, no Colorado
This seller has a variety of parts, including an entire PTO system.
“50′ and 60’s jeep/willys parts. t-90 tranny, Dana 18 transfer case, Koenig pto winch with bumper, Dana 25/30 front axle and Dana 44 rear both spring over w/4.56 ratio, drive lines and leaf springs. $500.00 for all”
looks like a great deal to me!
Great deal. I’m guessing that is Colusa, CA, I cant find a Colusa, CO.
……nevermind I just looked at it on the mapped section. Threw me off with the ‘CO’
That is Colusa Ca. Located on hiway 20 west of Yuba City about 15 miles. I used to work for Sankey Chevrolet in Colusa.
oops … my bad … yes, that’s off the Chico, Ca, craigslist. I thought I was in a colorado craigslist when I posted it (I should really learn NOT to multitask)
Well what’s odd is you click on the Craigslist link and it shows CO. Maybe not so bad David.
Good point .. maybe that’s what I saw … Let’s just say the parts are west of the mississippi …