It didn’t take me long this morning to figure out why I was having problems with the clear coat last night. The clear coat was too thick for the sprayer, even with the reducer. So, I cut it a litter more, reducing it from 4:1 to 3.5:1. That helped immensely. So, I sprayed another layer of clear coat, which helped improve some of the areas I was most concerned about.
That said, I spotted a several areas on the fender from last night where the clear coat clogged and then let loose. Fortunately, the spots are all on areas that go under the hood … whew!
This morning I spent a little more time figuring out the color problem. After doing some research, I believe that I received Teal Green rather than Aqua Blue. Putting the pictures I show in this post against the colors convinces me that it is Teal Green. However, the seller of the paint is adament that I got the color I ordered. He claims the problem is that the internet colors aren’t accurate. I think he’s full of shit.
Well…For what its worth my cousin says he likes the color. I like the color too but I’m partial colorblind so just go ahead and ignore me. Lol
it never ends up being the right color but it is always gonna be the color it is. i think it looks fine. now you can see why i have 6 coats on mine, first it wasn’t the right color then too much sheen. just wait till the first rock and all will be forgot.