Here is a rare moment of harmony. Left to Right: Lizzie, Tom Cruze, Betty Page
John asked how Tom Cruze was doing, so here’s an update.
Once Tom got rehydrated and got some food in him he was most definitely energized! He’s been climbing and exploring the house. The vet said it best, “He’s a feisty one!”
He doesn’t seem to mind that the dogs out weigh him about 10lbs to 1lb; he gives as much as he gets. Lizzy in particular loves to wrestle with him. She is as gentle as she can be (she’s sort of a lunkhead, so she isn’t all that gentle). Still, the two of them seem to enjoy playing.
The dogs are not fans when Tom tries to nurse. That’s about the only time they will growl at him.
They don’t mind napping together (why do we have such monochromatic animals?):
The girls hovering over Tom is the usual state of affairs:
Wrestling is another favorite, though mostly it is Tom and Lizzie wrestling (Betty Page mostly just wants to lick him):