Take one Tundra Truck, plugin your Sawzall and, viola, you too can have a vehicle like this ….
Paul spotted this strange creature. It wasn’t until I saw the last picture that I discovered it was a Tundra Truck.
Paul writes, “The Goddess and I went out to eat yesterday evening (it was another one of those all you can eat and keep down places) and while walking across the parking lot I saw a modified Toyota extended cab pickup truck. This truck had California plates on it so I guess the driver had a bit of bad luck on the drive north because the damage to the body was substantial. Along with every sheet metal panel being dented, yards of tape were used to keep the headlights from falling out, the windshield and hood were missing and actually the entire top had been cut off so there were goggles hanging in the cab for the driver and passengers use. A small rear view mirror was attached to the steering column but the best touch was a bible resting on the transmission hump [editors note: If i were driving this, I might want a bible nearby, too].”
Looks like my ex got her drivers license back. I almost feel sorry for her new beau.
Can’t be legal to drive, or at least not sane in Alaska. What’s the warning tag on the bumper say?
I zoomed in on that sticker. It says something about a stuck accelerator recall…I bet the top got ripped off on his way through garage wall and into the living room. The poor bugger!! 🙂