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1958 Jeep Race Video from Europe (Belgium)

• CATEGORIES: Features, Racing, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: Am busy, so thought I’d rerun this video. All brackets finished for the eBrake and fuel pump. More wires wired. Solenoids purchased and ready to be installed with new wiring plan. Ann *should* be less busy this week, which will give me more time. Hard to believe we are at the half-way point for 2024!!!


UPDATE from Dec 12, 2020: According to Jordi, this Spanish language news film describes a jeep race in Belgium.

No helmets, no safety equipment … craziness! This video from Europe shows some gutsy folks running WWII jeeps hard through the mud. (if the video embed doesn’t work, go here).

Rodes i fang 1958 from Peter G Mozzone on Vimeo.


2 Comments on “1958 Jeep Race Video from Europe (Belgium)

  1. Jordi Cortes

    The video was explained in Spanish but the competition was in Belgium, said in the video. In Spain in this year 1958 were a few willys mb and cj.

  2. David Eilers Post author


    Thanks for helping out with that translation! Much appreciated. I’ll updated the post.

    – Dave

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